Final Renovation Annoucement

We are in the home stretch of the renovation and will begin the final phase next week. This is the biggest part of the renovation where we will be replacing all of the rubber flooring, adding the turf area, and finally installing all of the new equipment. I appreciate your patience the last few months while we work to improve the club. I hope you are as excited as we are for the final product.

We will have to close the club starting Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 while we extract all of the old equipment, remove the old flooring, lay the new floor and then install the new equipment. The club will reopen Thursday, January 26, 2023. I apologize for the late notice but we just got confirmation from the equipment company and flooring installers as to when they can get this done. If we don’t do this now, we would have to wait another month. We’re looking forward to you seeing the final product for the revitalized Grit Fitness!


Yours in health,

